Page 12 - Newsletter 10.18
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K L G A 1 8 | O C T O B E R 1 3 , 2 0 2 1
We had thirty generous ladies participating this year and raised $1350 for
VCU -Massey Cancer Center.
In eight years, our small and mighty group has raised $9785 for Massey. Thank you to all
who participated and help in the fight against cancer.
With a nice shot that landed 9 feet, 1–1/2 inches from the Pin on Hole 17, Charlotte
McGinnis was our winner this year. Charlotte won a $50 gift card (donated by Kingsmill
Resort), and $50 cash (donated by the KLGA18). With these donations, we are able to
donate 100% of the proceeds collected directly to the Massey Center.
Swinging For A Cure Coordinator Sue Mutell presents the winnings to Charlotte McGinnis.
# B R E A S T F R I E N D S