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Dear Kingsmill Tennis Community,

    As the incoming President of the Kingsmill Tennis Association, I would like to take this opportunity to
    introduce you to the KTA Board of Directors and share some of our plans for 2022.  First, however, I
    want to express the Board’s appreciation to Jeff Leftwich and Chuck Johnston, who completed their

    tenures on the KTA Board at the end of 2021.  Their longstanding and dedicated service to KTA and
    the entire Kingsmill tennis community was indeed impactful, and we will miss their thoughtful
    guidance in our monthly KTA Board meetings.

    This year’s KTA Board includes Sheila Filipponi (Vice President), Lynn McNelis (Secretary). Amy
    McCarthy (Treasurer), Kathy Pattison (Communications Director), and Kirk Mardis and Agnes Reynolds
    (at-large). We welcome two new members to the team - Howard Waters and Robert Horn.

    The Board is enthusiastically partnering with Mike Wojkowski, the new Director of Racquet Sports, to
    offer a Kingsmill tennis season with an exciting array of activities for all ages and skill levels. We hope
    that you will share any ideas or suggestions for enhancing the tennis experience here at Kingsmill, do
    not hesitate to contact any of us on the KTA Board.

    Please tentatively mark your calendar for these KTA events:

    April 30 – Member Mixed Doubles Tournament

    June 11-12 – Member Guest Doubles
    September 12 – October 16 – Club Championships
    November 5 – Davis Cup Tournament and End of Year Meeting
    TBA – Two Junior Tournaments

    The KTA Board is looking forward to seeing you on the courts for as many activities as fits your
    schedule. Here’s to a year of great tennis!

    Pete Perkins
    Kingsmill Tennis Association

            The 2022 KTA Board (front left) Lynn McNelis, Kathy Pattison, Sheila Filapponi, Agnes Reynolds,
                   Amy McCarthy (back left) Pete Perkins, Robert Horn, Kirk Mardis, Howard Waters
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