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Monthly                                October


          Sunday                         Sunday                              Sunday
        02                             09                                09

        Joe Heilman                    Seafood Boil                     Lovecats
        5:30 PM - 8:30 PM               2 PM - 6 PM                     5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
        Come enjoy drinks              Enjoy fresh                      Come enjoy drinks
        and music featuring            seafood boiled at                and music featuring
        Joe Heilman at                 Links Landing                    the Lovecats at
        James Landing                  Lawn.                            James Landing
        Grille.                                                         Grille.

       Wednesday                        Sunday                             Sunday
          12                            16                              23

    Member Happy Hour                 Manhatten Affair                 Joe Heilman
     5 PM - 7 PM                      5:30 PM - 8:30 PM                5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
     Enjoy complimentary              Come enjoy drinks                Come enjoy drinks and
     Hor d'oeuvres and                and music featuring              music featuring Joe
     cash bar at Links                Manhattan Affair  at             Heilman at James Landing
     Landing.                         James Landing Grille.            Grille.

             Friday                      Sunday
           28                          30

       Family Movie Night              O'Trio
       7 PM - 9:30 PM                  5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
       Enjoy a showing of             Come enjoy an
                                      afternoon of drinks
       the Disney movie               and music
       "Coco" in the Burwell          featuring O'Trio at
                                      James Landing

     For more information, contact the

      Membership Office at (757) 258-1630.
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