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Monthly                                 August


      Thursday                           Sunday                        Thursday
     04 07                                                               11

     Burger Night                     Manhattan Affair               Burger Night

     5 PM - 8 PM                      4 PM - 7 PM                    5 PM - 8 PM

     Enjoy burger specials at          Come enjoy an afternoon       Enjoy burger specials at
     Eagles.                           of drinks and music           Eagles.
                                       featuring Manhattan
      Sunday                          Thursday                             Sunday
      14                                18                                21

    Patrick Ryan                      Burger Night                      The Lovecats Duo
    4 PM - 7 PM                      5 PM - 8 PM                        4 PM - 7 PM

    Come enjoy an afternoon           Enjoy burger specials at
    of drinks and music               Eagles.                           Come enjoy an afternoon
    featuring Patrick Ryan.                                             of drinks and music
                                                                        featuring The Lovecats
     Thursday                           Sunday                          Duo.
      25                               28

    Burger Night                      Patrick Ryan
    5 PM - 8 PM                       4 PM - 7 PM

    Enjoy burger specials at         ome enjoy an afternoon
    Eagles.                          of drinks and music
                                     featuring Patrick Ryan

     For more information, contact the
      Membership Office at (757) 258-1630.
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