Page 28 - Newsletter 09.13
P. 28


                                M  O  N  D  A  Y                                 T  U  E  S  D  A  Y

                      Women’s Intermediate                           Co-Ed Stroke of the Week
                                 (3.0/3.5)                                   (3.0 and above)
                             9:00-10:30 AM                                   9:00-10:00 AM
                      Strategy and point play

                     Men’s Advanced (3.5/4.0)
                             6:00-7:30 PM                        Drills, technique and point play
                                                                     featuring a specific stroke
                 Fast  paced  dri l l s  and  poi nt  pl ay

                              W  E  D  N  E  S  D  A  Y                         T  H  U  R  S  D  A  Y
                           Co-Ed Beginner
                                (2.0/2.5)                                  Co-Ed Advanced
                             9:00-10:00 AM                                       (3.5/4.0)
                 Great way to get started or get                              6:00-7:30 PM
                         back into the game

                      Co-Ed Cardio Bonanza
                            (3.0 and above)                      Fast paced drills and point play
                              6:00-7:00 PM
                     Guaranteed to provide an
                         awesome workout!

                                 F  R  I  D  A  Y                                S  A  T  U  R  D  A  Y

                        Women’s Advanced                                 Co-Ed Intermediate
                                (3.5/4.0)                                         (3.0/3.5)
                               10:30-12:00                                   8:30-10:00 AM

                  Drills, strategy and point play                Doubles strategy and point play
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