Page 2 - ROUGH DRAFT Club Newsletter 07.12
P. 2
100 Kingsmill Road
Williamsburg, VA 23185
Sean Hyland joined Kingsmill Realty in the Summer
of 2020. Prior too, he’d been selling real estate for Favorite Food - I n d i a n
more than 15 years in Williamsburg. He finds great Dog or Cat? - D o g
satisfaction working with buyers and sellers and is What do you love most about Kingsmill? -
known for being very patient and focused on his T h e P e o p l e o f K i n g s m i l l a r e s o f r i e n d l y a n d
clients needs proving that communication is a r e a l l y c a r e a b o u t t h e c o m m u n i t y
central key to success. Family is very important to What College did you attend? - C . B . S .
Sean as he enjoys time with his multi-culture family Where did you grow up? - T u l l a m o r e i n
made up of Irish, German, Spanish, Portuguese, and C o u n t y O f f a l y , i n I r e l a n d
Hawaiian backgrounds. Getting together, family What would you perform at a talent
games and rich foods from all the different cultures show? - S t a n d U p C o m e d i a n
make up his favorite memories! Best Restaurant in Williamsburg - F a t
Did you know that Sean won the Gold medal in C a n a r y
Virginia senior singles championship in men’s Favorite Movie - T h e W i n d T h a t S h a k e s T h e
pickleball? From friendly competition to the beauty B a r l e y
of traveling the world, he's proud to be a dual citizen Favorite Vacation Spot - G a r m i s c h i n
with centuries' old heritage having immigrated to G e r m a n y
the U.S. when he was just 20 years old.
Contact Sean Today!