Page 2 - ROUGH DRAFT Club Newsletter 07.12
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                                       SEAN HYLAND

                                                                                     CONTACT SEAN



                                                                                 100 Kingsmill Road
                                                                                 Williamsburg, VA 23185

            WHO IS SEAN HYLAND?                                         FUN FACTS

    Sean Hyland joined Kingsmill Realty in the Summer
      of 2020. Prior too, he’d been selling real estate for             Favorite Food   -   I n d i a n
     more than 15 years in Williamsburg. He finds great                 Dog or Cat?   -   D o g
     satisfaction working with buyers and sellers and is                What do you love most about Kingsmill?   -
      known for being very patient and focused on his                   T h e   P e o p l e   o f   K i n g s m i l l   a r e   s o   f r i e n d l y   a n d
       clients needs proving that communication is a                    r e a l l y   c a r e   a b o u t   t h e   c o m m u n i t y
     central key to success. Family is very important to                What College did you attend? -   C . B . S .
    Sean as he enjoys time with his multi-culture family                Where did you grow up?   -   T u l l a m o r e   i n
    made up of Irish, German, Spanish, Portuguese, and                  C o u n t y   O f f a l y ,   i n   I r e l a n d
      Hawaiian backgrounds. Getting together, family                    What would you perform at a talent

    games and rich foods from all the different cultures                show?   -   S t a n d   U p   C o m e d i a n
                make up his favorite memories!                          Best Restaurant in Williamsburg   -   F a t
       Did you know that Sean won the Gold medal in                     C a n a r y
        Virginia senior singles championship in men’s                   Favorite Movie -   T h e   W i n d   T h a t   S h a k e s   T h e
    pickleball? From friendly competition to the beauty                 B a r l e y
    of traveling the world, he's proud to be a dual citizen             Favorite Vacation Spot  -   G a r m i s c h   i n
     with centuries' old heritage having immigrated to                  G e r m a n y
            the U.S. when he was just 20 years old.
                       Contact Sean Today!
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