Page 3 - ROUGH DRAFT Club Newsletter 06.14
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Please Help Us Welcome
                      KEVIN HOLTZMAN

                                                              SEND KEVIN AN EMAIL, TEXT,
                                                             OR PHONE CALL TO SAY HELLO!


       K E V I N ' S   B A C K G R O U N D

       Kevin Holtzman is the Managing Broker of Kingsmill Realty. Coming

       from a strong background as a Principal Broker in Portland, Oregon,

       Kevin will be leading the team of expert Real Estate professionals.
       Kevin is thrilled to be helping homeowners throughout the

       Williamsburg Tri-County area while emphasizing the Kingsmill

       community. Kevin brings his five-star reputation that reflects the

       countless experiences and outcomes from his clients. Kevin is also
       bringing fresh new ideas to Kingsmill Realty by incorporating the

       community more.

       Did you know Kingsmill Realty is growing? If you or someone you

       know is interested in a real estate career with us, please contact

       Kevin to start the conversation!
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