Page 31 - ROUGH DRAFT Club Newsletter 07.26
P. 31


                                              DOLLARS -

                                              THE SMART WAY

                                              ARE YOU INVOLVED WITH A NON-PROFIT

                                              OR KNOW SOMEONE WHO IS?

                                              JOIN US AT THE OPEN HOUSE!

              WHY GOLF TOURNAMENTS?                                    HOW TO LEARN MORE

             Fundraising  golf  tournaments                       Kingsmill  will  be  hosting  an
             are  wonderful  events  that  can                    OPEN       HOUSE        for    non-profit
             bring  together  your  long-time                     organizations.  This  open  house
             supporters  and  new  donors;                        will    walk      your      organization
             Participating  in  an  enjoyable                     through  the  planning  stages,
             event  that  raises  money  as                       daily tasks on event day, and the
             well  as  awareness  for  your                       closing  of  the  event  all  in  one
             organization.  But  if  you  find                    day. The day will consist of lunch
             yourself  tasked  with  being  the                   to  start  the  day,  followed  by  a
             tournament            planner         and            round  of  golf  on  the  River
             you’ve  never  taken  a  hand  at                    Course, with a reception after.
             planning  a  golf  tournament,
             the        task         may         seem

                                         Tuesday, September 28, 2021

                                                  Lunch | 12:00pm

                                                     Golf | 1:00pm
                                               Reception | 5:00pm

                                          Interested in attending?

                                           Contact Robert Dudeck
                                            Tournament Golf Sales

                          757-253-3926 |
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