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Guest Pass Update

             As we continue to evolve and work to improve upon the

             overall member experience, members may bring guests to

             The River Pool Sunday – Thursday on a first come first

             served basis. Please contact the membership office at least

             48-hours in advance to secure your guest pass.

             Additionally, we wish to reiterate the member guest privileges

             as outlined in our membership plan dated March, 1, 2017. As

             you will note in this newsletter we will no longer make

             available for purchase by condominium owners guest passes

             for rental guests. This adjustment to our business

             practice will go into effect on August 10, 2020.

             Like any other club benefit, the misuse or abuse of this

             benefit can result in the loss of guest passes privileges.

             Abuse or violation of the privilege may lead to suspension or

             termination of your membership.

             Thank you for your continued support.
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