Page 12 - ROUGH DRAFT Club Newsletter 06.07
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Garden News!
Get to Know Our Plotters
Kathy Magnuson Darlene & Paul Byrd Jacquelyn Hogge Mike Millam
A "Late Bloomer" but is This garden is in honor of Jacquelyn has flowers Known as "The Garden
excited to get her garden Darlene's late father. She and veggies in her plot Guru", His plot is
planted now that she has has found his love for and is enjoying the perfected with veggies
amended the soil. With gardening and she and process and meeting galore, umbrellas for
help from her visiting son, her husband are having new people. shade, and he is always
she looks forward to fun watching their ready to share a tip
growing either veggies grow. with the others in the
watermelon or pumpkins.
"Everyone shares their tips and gardening knowledge, it's a lot of fun!"