Page 2 - ROUGH DRAFT Club Newsletter 5.24
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C   O  V  I  D     P  O  L  I  C  I  E  S     A  N  D     P  R  O  C  E  D  U  R  E  S


      The health and safety of our members, guests, and team members

      have been Kingsmill Resort's top priority throughout the pandemic,

      and we’ve closely and consistently followed the CDC’s

      recommendations. Given the CDC’s and Virginia's updated

      guidance last week, we will no longer require fully vaccinated

      guests and team members to wear face coverings indoors.

      Face coverings will continue to be strongly recommended for

      those who are not fully vaccinated and we’ll continue our

      increased safety and cleaning measures, including social

      distancing, throughout property and dining locations.
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