Page 14 - DRAFT - Club Newsletter 3.29
P. 14

S P L A S H   I N T O

                          S P R I N G   S A L E S

                          GOLF                          TENNIS                              SPA

                    Bring in an                    Free Hat with                       Buy 2 get
                     old pair of              purchase of $75 or                     one free on

                     shoes and                           more                        all candles
                    trade in for                (after discounts)                      (no other

                     a new pair                                                       discounts
                    and receive                                                           apply,

                        25% off                                                          lowest
                      your new                                                           priced

                          pair                                                        candle will
                                                                                       be free.)
   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19