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                              SUBMITTED BY GABRIELA FELLOWS

      On  December  8,  KLGA18s  held  their  Holiday  Luncheon  and  Meeting  in  the  beautifully  decorated
      Riverview Room. Our ladies mingled and celebrated the 2021 season before enjoying a delicious lunch
      and season’s end awards.
      This  year’s  President,  Debbie  Argy,  lead  the  group  through  the  last  official  meeting  of  the  year,
      thanking our members, board members, and pro staff for a successful season.

      Here are some highlights:
          Debbie  recognized  the  great  job  the  pros-  Loren  White,  Todd  Gantt,  and  Miles  Chapman  -  did
          running the Wednesday playdays as they assumed responsibilities for pairings and scoring
          The  membership  was  informed  that  James  Paige  is  planning  a  ladies’  golf  trip  for  March  2022,
          based on feedback on the 2021 survey.

          Ronnie  Matthews,  the  Treasurer,  highlighted  the  generous  donations  made  to  various  charitable
          causes KLGA18s supports, amounting to a grand total of $4,526
          Debbie asked the Executive Board and Committee Chairs to step forward to be recognized with a

          personal gift and words of appreciation for their time and dedication to KLGA18’s
          Alice Whitechurch awarded our “Ringers” their checks, which she tallies throughout the season
          Mimi Taylor highlighted weekly play, with particular mention that of 36 ladies playing regularly, 33
          won  at  least  one  time  this  season.  The  highest  money  winners  were  Ann  Soukup  followed  by
          Suzanne  Sweeney.  She  also  mentioned  a  KLGA18s  season  classic  -  the  Star  Wars  Tournament  -
          which is played in an adapted Solheim Cup format. This year’s winner was the Sirius Team
          Charlotte McGinnis reported that Karen Levy was our most prolific golfer with 108 rounds, followed
          by Linda Rein with 102 rounds and Mimi Taylor with 88 rounds. The most improved golfer award
          went to Karen Levy, whose handicap went from 23 to 18!
          1st  VP  Gabriela  Fellows  said  some  words  of  appreciation  for  this  year’s  President,  Debbie  Argy,
          whose vision to ensure the group’s inclusivity and recognition that golf is a lifelong sport was of
          great impact. The membership gave Debbie a gift of appreciation.
          The new slate of officers for the 2022 season were installed.

      The gathering ended with Linda Rein and Barbara Hain thanking Debbie for all she accomplished in

      the 2021 season. They mentioned some anchor dates of 2/2 Board meeting, 3/16 Opening Coffee, 3/30
      Green  Tee  Open  and  6/4  Member/Guest  (which  will  be  on  a  Saturday  in  2022!)  and  expressed
      excitement for the upcoming 2022 season.

      Stay warm, stay dry, stay in touch and stay (or get) flexible. The 2022 season countdown is on!
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