Page 19 - DRAFT - Club Newsletter 3.8
P. 19


                                Submitted by Sheila Filipponi

              KTA ladies celebrating the end of the winter season with

              KTA board member Agnes Reynolds:

              Pictured Left-Right, back to front: Kristen Aaron (league winner), Kristin
              Romesburg, Mary Beth Sablan, Cindy Green, Agnes Reynolds (KTA Board
              Junior Tennis ), Aimee McLendon, Carey Flannery (winner), Joanna Koklis.

              KTA winners awarded complimentary lessons with our Tennis pro, Dan


              Kicking off the KTA Spring Tennis Season
              Save the dates:

                   March 20th Tennis Social - We look forward to meeting new members
                   and seeing familiar faces!

                       All levels and all are welcome!

                       Details forthcoming
                       Register at the tennis shop or online.

                   April 24th Member-Member Women’s and Men’s Doubles Tournament
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