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F6OR FARIS Restaurant 2021
Jeddah - KSA
The idea of #Faris Fares may not be an impressive
invention, but it is undoubtedly the story of a
dream turned into reality with the participation of
thousands of wonderful colleagues and designers
New idea to the franchise
old designs.
The design follows the
brand colors and theme
the style of the restaurant
is a modern american feel
Cool and simple material
was used based on the
request of the owner A maelstrom is defined as a sea vortex.
particularly “large, powerful, or In narrow ocean straits with
this project done while violent whirlpool.” Maelstroms fast flowing water, whirlpools
working in Eng. Ahmed F. typically form in the ocean near are often caused by tides.
Banaja Design Firm. narrow straights as a result of 3d render visualisation of the
the tides. project exterior design