Page 119 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
P. 119

               GENERAL POLICY

                       The leave benefits of faculty members shall be in accordance with the governing Leave Laws and the Omnibus
               Rules on Leave, Rule XVI of the Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of EO 292.   The ISU Governing Board shall
               promulgate special leave benefits as it sees fit in accordance with RA 8292.
                       Further, the types of leave benefits are indicated in the Administrative Manual of the University.

                   2.  IMPLEMENTATION

                          ⮚  Describe then system of compensating and rewarding the faculty, with specific description of
                              the following:
                              □ basis of the faculty salary rates (Salary Standardization law);

                       The salary rate of faculty member is based on the minimum qualification standards for appointment provided
                       under CSC MC No 1, 1997 as follows:

                       ●  Instructor 1 to II – with relevant Masters degree; 2 years of relevant experience and RA 1080 for courses
                          requiring Board eligibility.
                       ●  Instructor III – with relevant Masters degree; 2 years experience; 4 hours relevant training and RA 1080
                          for courses requiring eligibility.
                       ●  Asst. Prof.  I – III – With relevant masters degree; 2 years of relevant experience; 4 hours of relevant
                          training and RA 1080 for courses requiring eligibility.
                       ●  Asst.  Prof. IV – with relevant masters degree; 2 years of relevant experience; 8 hours of relevant training
                          and RA 1080 for courses requiring eligibility.
                       ●  Assoc.  Prof. I- III – with relevant masters degree; 2 years of relevant experience; 8 hours of relevant
                          training and RA 1080 for courses requiring eligibility.
                       ●  Assoc.  Prof. IV- V – with relevant masters degree; 3 years of relevant experience; 16 hours of relevant
                          training and RA 1080 for courses requiring eligibility.
                       ●  Professor I – with relevant masters degree; 4 years of relevant experience; 24 hours of relevant training
                          and RA 1080 for courses requiring eligibility.
                       ●  Professor II-III – with relevant masters degree; 5 years of relevant experience; 32 hours of relevant
                          training and RA 1080 for courses requiring eligibility.
                       ●  Professor  IV-VI – with relevant Doctorate degree; 5 years of relevant experience; 32 hours of relevant
                          training and RA 1080 for courses requiring eligibility.
                       ●  College/University Professor with relevant Doctorate degree; 5 years of relevant experience; 32 hours of
                          relevant training and RA 1080 for courses requiring eligibility.

                              □ other benefits (PER-Personnel Economic & Relief Allowance; Bonuses, etc.);

                       Other benefits/incentives received by the faculty members are the following:
                       1.  Productivity Incentive Benefit (PIB) as per NCC No. 73, s 1994.
                       2.  Year-End Bonus and cash gift as per BC No. 2000-18
                       3.  Uniform/ Clothing Allowance as per BC No. 2003-8
                       4.   Additional Compensation as per BC No. 2006-2
                       5.   Recreational Allowance
                       6.   Maternity Leave with pay
                       7.   Sick leave
                       8.   Study Leave (with or without pay)
                       9.   Vacation Leave
                       10. Sabbatical leave
                             11. Tuition Discount for Faculty and Dependents

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