Page 71 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
P. 71
⮚ Describe the Institutions process of promotion, separation and retirement.
In general, the faculty members are promoted in salary and in rank, based on NBC 461 criteria
and DBM requirements. Change in the faculty’s employment status likewise adheres to the same criteria
and to work performance. The faculty members’ performance is evaluated every semester. The overall
rating is the average of the self-evaluation, students’ evaluation and dean’s or supervisor’s evaluation. No
faculty member is considered for promotion without records of at least two performance ratings of “Very
Satisfactory” immediately preceding the assessment.
Likewise, promotion is the advancement of a faculty from one position to another with an increase
in salary. It may be from one sub-rank to a higher sub-rank or from one rank to the next rank. Opportunity
for promotion occurs if a vacancy exists in a higher rank which may lead to chain promotion. These policies
and guidelines for promotion of faculty members are for guidance of all concerned.
Hence, promotion shall apply to all faculty members who are in active service, on study leave,
sabbatical leave, on local or foreign scholarships, on training grant, on maternity leave or on extended
leave without pay. It will cover all faculty members who are presently occupying the following academic
ranks: 1) Instructor (sub-ranks 1-3) (Administrative Manual 2005, pp. 79-87); 2) Assistant Professor (sub-
rank 1-4); 3) Associate Professor (Sub-rank 1-5); 4) Professor (sub-ranks 1-6),
In terms of retirement, unless appropriate authorities extend the service, retirement shall be
compulsory at sixty five (65) years of age. Except in the exigency of service and other meritorious cases,
withdrawal or cancellation of approved application for optional retirement is not allowed. Additionally,
extension of service may be requested by the President or the appropriate authority to complete the fifteen-
year service requirement. A faculty and non-teaching staff may be allowed to continue in the service in
accordance with Civil Service rules and regulations.
Services of the President of the SUC, whose performance has been unanimously rated as
Outstanding and unanimously recommended by the Search Committee concerned, may be extended by
the governing board beyond the compulsory age of retirement but not later than the age of seventy (70).
⮚ Describe in flow chart from the Institutions promotion through vacancy (in rank and salary)
and change of status procedures.
38 | Page- OBQA-PPP / Area II: The Faculty/BPA