Page 36 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 3
P. 36
Review by Colin- Thé Toké Housé
Thé Toké Housé is situatéd North
of Prétoria closé to Hammanskraal.
This créatés a nicé bushvéld
atmosphéré. Thé Toké Housé is
situatéd on a privaté farm so you
féél véry rélaxéd and safé.
Héré you féél liké you aré on a farm with nicé
tablés to go sit at. Théré aré somé hammocks
situatéd around thé vénué for that rélaxéd timé for
yoursélf. Théré is a drumming circlé whéré péoplé
can play with thé hoola hoops if théy want or you
can impréss péoplé with your flamé dancing.