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UK Dentistry Crisis: BBC investigation Excellent business results and
A woman in the UK extracted her otherwise healthy and unaffected by change in leadership at the
own teeth because she couldn’t decay - were becoming loose and
find an NHS (National Health falling out. Ivoclar Group
Service) dentist. Subsequently she But Ms Watts, from Suffolk,
crowdfunded a new set of found herself in a “dental Markus Heinz will replace Diego Gabathuler as CEO
dentures which she says desert” - an area where of the Ivoclar Group
has transformed her life. no dentists offer NHS
Now the authorities will care - and couldn’t afford In 2022, the Ivoclar Group achieved a turnover of 872 million
question dental experts the thousands of pounds Swiss francs, surpassing its previous record set in 2021. The
from NHS England as of private treatment Liechtenstein-based dental and medical device company,
part of an official inquiry needed to fix her teeth. which is celebrating its 100-year anniversary in 2023,
prompted by a BBC Now, an online attributes this success to the introduction of innovative new
investigation into the crowdfunding campaign products and the company’s expansion into growth markets
dentistry crisis. has helped raise enough around the globe. Nevertheless, a change in leadership has
Over several months, Danielle Watts money to let her have been announced.
Danielle Watts pulled shows off her new a set of dentures fitted. The successor of Diego Gabathuler will be Markus Heinz.
out 13 of her own dentures The BBC featured He started his career at the company in 1985 and most
teeth. For years she had her story last year - recently held the position of Chief Operating Officer. Markus
been living with terrible pain and Following the investigation, the Heinz has a proven track record in the fields of production,
discomfort as a result of chronic gum Health and Social Care Committee supply chain management, organizational development,
disease, which meant that her teeth - launched an inquiry into the crisis. people management and customer care, a skillset the Ivoclar
Group wants to draw on in order to continue its story of
Dental 3D Printing Market to be worth $13.4 Billion by 2030 existing strategy and to further develop the organization.
“My remit is to continue successfully implementing the
According to a new market research printing market is segmented into This includes fine-tuning and optimization by increasing
published by Meticulous Research®, dental laboratories, dental hospitals the focus on our growth markets and on our core products
the dental 3D printing market is and clinics, and academic and while investing in innovative solutions for the future. We
projected to reach $13.4 billion by research institutes. In 2023, the dental will continue to sharpen our focus on our customers, our
2030, at a whopping CAGR of 20.9% laboratories segment is expected people and partners,” says the new CEO Markus Heinz.
from 2023 to 2030. 3D printing has to account for the largest share of Markus Heinz will be supported in his many tasks by
made significant advancements in the dental 3D printing market. The the existing members of the Corporate Management. In his
the dental and medical fields. The high adoption of technologically role as Chief Commercial Officer, Christian Brutzer will be
growth of this market is driven advanced instruments in dental responsible for the sales organization of all markets in the
by the increasing adoption of 3D laboratories, high demand for dental future. “Our organization is thus in good and safe hands as
printing in dentistry, technological prosthetics due to cosmetic dentistry, we open a new chapter in the history of our company,” says
advancements, and the rising and cost-effectiveness ensured by Helmut Schuster.
prevalence of dental diseases. In dental laboratories in manufacturing More information about Ivoclar and the 100-year
addition, the rising adoption of CAD/ dental products contribute to this anniversary celebrations “A Century of Innovation”: ivoclar.
CAM technology and increased use segment’s large market share. com/100years.
of resins for dental 3D printing offer In 2023, North America accounts
opportunities for the growth of this for the largest share of the dental
market. However, the relatively high 3D printing market. However, Asia-
costs of 3D printers are hindering Pacific is projected to register the
the growth of this market. highest CAGR over the forecast
Based on end user, the dental 3D period.
iDeM 2024 ConfirMs show Dates
for 19-21 april 2024
• Expanded exhibition halls to host
around 500 exhibitors and welcome more
than 8000 attendees from 70 countries
• Early bird rates for IDEM 2024
exhibition sales are available until 31 May
• For more information, visit the official From left: Christian Brutzer (CCO), Patric Frank (CMO),
website at Markus Heinz (new CEO), Diego Gabathuler (previous
CEO), Franz Berger (CFO) and Dr Thomas Hirt (CTO).
Dental Practice i March-April 2023 i Vol 19 No 2 81