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cosmetic section

          Fig 3: Measurements based on the ‘rule of 20’ using Hufriedy’s meter  Fig 4: Patient with ‘wish smile’, colour test, shape and dental

          Fig 5a: Installation of ‘wish smile’ facets as a surgical  Fig 5b: Immediately after surgery

          Fig 6: Smile after composite resin on anterior teeth           Fig 7: Postoperative upper arch, restoration of all lost enamel
                                                                         and dentin on the occlusal and palatal face

          measurements, and the facets are removed and stored to be used as a   the size of the teeth. The facets from the ‘wish smile’ were used as a
          surgical guide. The patient was advised to undergo teeth whitening,   surgical guide, harmonizing the relationship between the teeth and
          gingivoplasty and rehabilitation with composite resin in the whole mouth.  gum. A healing period of 30 days was undertaken before continuing
             The treatment started with at-home whitening. The gel of choice   the treatment (Figure 5).
          was carbamide peroxide 15% (Opalescence) and it was prescribed for   After the recovery time, rehabilitation with composite resin started,
          21 days to be used four hours a day.                   following the sequence below over five days:
             Dr. Viviane Álvares performed gingival plastic surgery to increase   • Day one: Occlusal rehabilitation began in the upper posterior teeth:

          16  Dental Practice i November-December 2023 i Vol 19 No 6
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