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FIG 16: Try-in of Crafted Ceramic Art
These Li-Di-Si laminates are first embedded in
putty material so as to hold it in the scaffolding and
now the intaglio surface of prosthesis is treated with
9% hydrofluoric acid(Porcelain Etch, Ultradent)
for 90 seconds and then the material is rinsed off
with water and air dried. This is followed by appli-
cation of 37% phosphoric acid for 30 seconds to
remove the byproduct of etching with hydrofluoric
acid. Check the frosty appearance of the surface. It’s FIG 17d: Removing remnant of HFA etching using
37% PhA for 30s
time to start the application of silane coupling
agent (Silane,Utradent)and let it dry for 120 sec-
onds. Now apply the dual-cure bonding agent
(Clearfil-SE, Wizdent Kuraray) and now the pros- FIG 17a: Ceramic Art embedded in Putty
thesis is ready for bonding using dual cure adhesive
resin cement (Clearfil-SA luting, Wizdent,
Prepare the tooth Surface for receiving the Ceramic
Art. To begin with the teeth are isolated with split
rubber dam (Hygienic, Coltene).
The tooth surface is treated with 37% phosphoric
acid for 15-20 seconds and the acid is rinsed off and
the surface is air dried. Check the frosty appearance FIG 17b: Application of 9% HFA for 90s
of the tooth surface. It’s the time to start the appli-
cation of the dual-cure bonding agent (Clearfil-SE,
Wizdent Kuraray) and the prosthesis is bonded to FIG 17e: Application of Silane for 120s
the tooth surface using dual cure adhesive resin
cement (Clearfil-SAluting, Wizdent, Kuraray). The
adhesive resin is then tag cured for 5 seconds and
excess is removed using 12 number surgical blade.
Lastly the resin layer is cured through the Liquid
Strip or transparent gel to remove oxygen inhibi-
tion layer to avoid any staining at the margins.
FIG 17c: Frosty Appearance after Rinsing HFA
The rubber dam is then removed and the occlusion
is checked for any occlusal interferences in protru-
sive and lateral excursive movements. The patient
was very happy with the final result. For us it was FIG 17f: Application of Dual cure Bonding Agent
the satisfaction of a job well done and knowing that
the hours of hard work that went into this case FIG 17: Preparation of Intaglio Surface of Ceramic
bought fruitful results. Art for Bonding
Dental Practice // May-June 2021 // Vol 17 No 5 15