Page 65 - Dental Practice Vol 17 No.5_
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Covid-19 might enter lungs through gingivae according to experts

              As the COVID-19 pandemic has progressed                                immune  defences  makes  it  easier  for  the
              over these past 2 years, more and more has                             virus to enter the bloodstream. This model
              been discovered about the virus and disease.                           may help us understand why some individ-
              Previously, it was assumed that SARS-CoV-                              uals  develop  COVID-19  lung  disease  and
              2 infected the lungs only via the upper air-                           others do not. It could also change the way
              ways.  In  a  study,  titled  “The  COVID-19                           we  manage  the  virus—exploring  cheap  or
              pathway:  A  proposed  oral-vascular-pul-                              even free treatments targeted at the mouth
              monary route of SARS-CoV-2 infection and                               and, ultimately, saving lives.
              the  importance  of  oral  healthcare  meas-                              This discovery could make effective oral
              ures”,  it  has  been  formally  published  that                       healthcare  a  potentially  life-saving  action.
              the virus is transmitted via a vascular route                          For this reason, the researchers have recom-
              from the oral cavity to the lungs.                                     mended  taking  simple,  but  effective,  daily
                The research team of scientists from UK,  ease  by  consultant  radiologist  Dr  Graham  steps  to  maintain  oral  hygiene  and  reduce
              US and South Africa have proposed that den-  Lloyd-Jones,  who  is  lead  author  of  the  factors contributing to periodontal disease,
              tal  plaque  accumulation  and  periodontal  hypothesis,  led  to  a  collaboration  between  such as the build-up of plaque. These meas-
              inflammation make it more likely that SARS-  medical  and  dental  researchers  on  the  ures include the regular use of mouthwash-
              CoV-2 will reach the lungs from the mouth  potential entry route into the bloodstream.  es which could help lower the risk of trans-
              and cause more severe cases of infection.  The  team’s  model  proposes  that  the  mission of the virus from the mouth to the
                Initial observations of lung CT scans of  mouth provides a reservoir for the virus to  lungs  in  those  with  COVID-19  and  help
              patients suffering from COVID-19 lung dis-  thrive in the saliva and any breach in oral  prevent severe infection.

             EXOCAD LAUNCHES THE “CREATOR                                  AEEDC BEING EAGERLY AWAITED AS

             CENTER” WITH 35 LIVE WEBINARS                                 THE FIRST PHYSICAL DENTAL EVENT
                                                                           AFTER MORE THAN A YEAR

             Educational online series to inspire lab technicians and dentists   The AEEDC Dubai 2021 is scheduled to be held from 29
             exocad GmbH (exocad),an Align Technology, Inc. company and one of the  June – 01 July, 2021. This will be the first physical event after
             leading dental CAD/CAM software manufacturers, announced the release  more than a year and the dental community is looking for-
             of more than 35 educational webinars to showcase highlights and demon-  ward to this event. More than 60 speakers have confirmed
             strate new features of exocad’s DentalCAD 3.0 Galway and other products  their  participation  as  well  as  several  exhibitors.  Since  its
             under the new educational umbrella Creator Center.exocad’s own experts  inception in 1996, AEEDC Dubai has steadily grown along-
             will offer tips on how to get the most out of the dynamic digital dentistry  side Dubai’s rising status as a leading healthcare destination
             software portfolio, with a spe-                               and a pivotal scientific hub in the region and abroad.
             cial focus on Instant Anatomic                                  With such a rich legacy, AEEDC Dubai continues on its
             Morphing, removables, Model                                   path towards greatness. The UAE’s 50th anniversary falls in
             Creator,   Smile   Creator,                                   2021, marking 50 years since the historic birth of the union
             PartialCAD   and   more.                                      and foundation of the United Arab Emirates.
             Participants  at  all  levels  of                               Given the ongoing situation, organisers and visitors are
             expertise,  from  dental  design                              hoping that the event is held as scheduled.
             beginners  to  experts,  can  ask
             questions  live  while  watching
             the hour-long demonstrations.
                “The  webinars  are  a  great
             way  to  connect  and  educate
             exocad  users  about  the  latest
             benefits  our  new  features  will  bring  to  their  workflows,”  said  Michael
             Kohnen, exocad’s Head of Global Application Support. “The educational
             series is specially designed for valued exocad customers and potential new
             users who want to broaden their skillset and boost productivity with exo-
             cad’s leading CAD/CAM software.”
                Technicians and dentists who want to bring their digital workflow to the
             next level can register for free for several webinars. The seminars will take
             place across four time zones in the following languages: English, German,
             Chinese,  Italian,  Portuguese,  French  and  Spanish.  More  information,  a
             detailed agenda and registration links are available at

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