Page 10 - Dental Practice Vol 17 No.5_Neat
P. 10

cosmetic section



                                                          DR. SMITA KOLE

              Smiling doesn’t necessarily mean you are happy but a happy
              smile  is  the  most  beautiful  gift  you  can  give  to  the  world.
              Confidence is the key to face anyone and if you don’t like your
              own smile you cannot face people comfortably.
                Our patient, a Doctor by profession, age 24 years, never
              liked her smile, so she never felt like looking at the mirror and
              was low on confidence in public.
              She visited us and wished for the following:
              • Closure of spaces between teeth
              • Well aligned anterior teeth                   FIG 1: Pre-Op Profile Photographs
              • Less visible gum line
              •A beautiful smile
              On examination we found:
              • Diastema
              • Improper Gingival zenith
              • Low Gingival line

              TREATMENT PLAN
              • Smile design using Lithium Di Silicate Laminates for maxil-
               lary anteriors
              • Correction  of  gingival  zenith  by  Laser  Assisted
              The impressions are made and sent to the lab for Wax Mock
              Up. In the lab impressions are poured in die stone and wax up
              is done. With the help of Wax Mock Up, putty index is pre-
              pared  in  rubber  impression  material  (Zetaplus,  Zhermack)
              which is further used to transfer the wax up smiles intraoral-
              ly, using Bisacryl material (Protemp-4), to give the trial run of
              the smile to the patient.

                                               Article Citation  FIG 2: Pre-Op Retracted Front and Lateral views
                Kole, S. (2021).Making smiles - smile is the mirror that
                 reflects your personality. Dental Practice, 17(5), 10-18

              FIG 3: Pre-Op Retracted Front and Lateral views in Occlusion

              10   Dental Practice // May-June 2021 // Vol 17 No 5
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