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ecently, during a conversation with a revealed a pent-up demand for adventure and
friend at a social gathering, I noticed exploration, one that has continued to fuel the
that he seemed a bit upset with me for travel industry.
Rnot engaging with his recent Facebook Remote learning became a necessity, leading
posts. It struck me as an interesting irony. The to the rapid adoption of online education tools
shift from personal, private diaries to public and platforms. Many schools and universities
social media updates reflects a major cultural have retained elements of hybrid learning
change in how we express ourselves and seek model’s post-pandemic.
connection. What was once a cherished, private In dentistry too, while conferences, seminars,
activity—maintaining personal diaries—is now and workshops have largely returned to physical
replaced by social media posts that often serve formats, it’s still quite common to be expected
as a call for external validation, driven by likes to deliver online presentations and lectures.
DR. SUSHANT UMRE and comments. This blend of in-person and virtual engagement
This shift points to a deeper cultural need reflects the lasting impact of the pandemic on
Dentistry being a for connection—and perhaps even more so, for professional education and interaction.
recognition in a digital world. In the past, our
Remote work experienced a massive
highly operative thoughts were confined to personal reflection, surge during the pandemic. Hybrid and fully
field of medical but now, they are shared far and wide, often in remote work arrangements are now far more
care, where hands- an effort to gauge our social relevance. common, with companies rethinking the need
for physical office spaces. Telemedicine saw
The speed at which technology has
on procedures transformed our lives is truly remarkable. For a huge boost during the pandemic, and has
are essential, those who have experienced it, the transition become an essential part of healthcare delivery.
People are reasonably comfortable with virtual
from landline phones to the ubiquitous
making remote smartphones that connect us to the internet is consultations, and health systems are better
consultations less especially striking. A landline once represented equipped to handle remote care.
Dentistry being a highly operative field
effective. However, connectivity and status; now, the expectation of of medical care, where hands-on procedures
being reachable anytime, anywhere—even for
it’s not uncommon household help—is a given. are essential, making remote consultations
for dentists to be Social media, in particular, has exploded less effective. However, it’s not uncommon for
requested for online in popularity, especially after the COVID-19 dentists to be requested for online consultations,
reflecting the growing demand for virtual care
pandemic. In many ways, the pandemic only
consultations, deepened our reliance on these platforms, even in such a hands-on profession.
reflecting the growing making social media interactions even more While the pandemic initially seemed to spark
demand for virtual important. a change in our approach to preventive health
and equitable roles, it’s true that, for many, old
While we were all stuck at home, binge-
care even in such a watching our favourite shows, some folks were habits have crept back in. Although awareness
hands-on profession. busy turning their living rooms into studios. of contagious diseases may linger, the broader
Enter the social media influencer. These new shift in preventive health seems to have stalled.
“experts” are everywhere. Influencers have The adoption of digital tools like intraoral
emerged as significant drivers of change, scanners, AI-based diagnostics, and cloud-based
particularly in this post-COVID world, where patient management systems accelerated during
they seem to influence habits and lifestyle the pandemic. These technologies continue
choices more than ever. to improve efficiency and patient experience.
In a way, this rapid adaptation speaks to Patients now prioritize practices that offer safe
how quickly we have embraced a new normal. environments, flexible scheduling, and virtual
Instant communication, once a luxury, now feels options. The emphasis on transparency and
essential—shaping everything from personal trust has grown stronger.
convenience to daily routines. It’s a testament to Reflecting on all these changes, it’s clear
both the pace of technological progress and our that COVID has left a lasting mark on our
collective ability to adapt. lives—both positively and negatively. The
Even our desire to travel has surged, especially transformation we’ve undergone, from social
in the aftermath of COVID restrictions. The interactions to professional practices, will
revenge travel phenomenon, where people continue to unfold in the years to come, shaping
rushed to explore the world after lockdowns how we engage with technology, each other, and
were lifted, has only grown. The pandemic the world. n
Dental Practice I November-December 2024 I Vol 20 No 5 81