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                      AG.Live CON hiGhLiGhts the key treNds Of

                        trANsfOrmAtiON iN the deNtAL iNdustry

             Digitization in the dental industry is unstoppable. It heralds change
             and  at  the  same  time  offers  enormous  potential.  The  fact  that
             many dental technicians and dentists want to seize these opportuni-
             ties  is  evidenced  by  the  large  number  of  participants  at  AG.Live
             CON. 38 international speakers presented the blueprints for a new
             dimension of unified dentistry in numerous live presentations and
             discussions.  All  contributions  are  still  available  free  of  charge  at
                The benefits of digitization are clear, as Prof. Dr. med. dent. Daniel
             Edelhoff explained in the panel discussion: "In more and more clinical
             work processes, analog steps are being replaced by digital technology,
             which  brings  about  enormous  advantages:  the  simplification  of
             process  steps,  reproducibility  and  a  high  degree  of  predictability."
             However,  the  communication  gap  between  dental  technicians  and
             dentists emerged as a key issue in the panel. "Laboratories have invest-
             ed  heavily  over  the  past  few  decades  and  digitized  in  the  field  of
             CAD/CAM. However, digitization currently stops at the interface with  The benefits of digitization are conclusive, according to the panel of experts at
             the dentist," said master dental technician Andreas Kunz during the  the AG.Live CON panel discussion (from left to right: Prof. Dr. med. dent. Florian
             panel  discussion.  The  experts  unanimously  agreed  that  the  greatest  Beuer, Siegbert Witkowski, Prof. Dr. med. dent. Daniel Edelhoff, Wolfgang Reim,
                                                                    Prof. Dr. med. dent. Jan-Frederik Güth, Andreas Kunz, Prof. DDr. Andreas Moritz,
             deficit currently lies in combining all available patient data in a mean-  Falko Noack)
             ingful manner and then using these data to provide patient-specific
                                                                   Extending the digital Ceramill CAD/CAM workflow to the dentist
              More than the sum of its parts                       AG.Live  also  forms  the  basis  and  interface  for  the  Ceramill  Direct
             What is important is teamwork for the benefit of the patient. “For a  Restoration System (DRS), with which Amann Girrbach extends the
             complex restoration, you need a highly competent partner in the lab-  digital Ceramill CAD/CAM workflow to the dentist. The Ceramill DRS
             oratory and a highly competent clinician. Then their combined expert-  Connection Kit, consisting of the Ceramill Map DRS intraoral scanner,
             ise is more than the sum of the individual parts,” emphasized Prof. Dr.  the  appropriate  scanning  software  as  well  as  the  connection  to  the
             med. dent. Florian Beuer. The objective must be                        AG.Live platform, serves as the entry-level vari-
             for  the  two  to  join  forces  in  the  best  possible               ant. Any order data including all the required
             manner.                                                                information can therefore be shared seamlessly
                This  is  precisely  the  mission  that  Amann                      and in real time, as the practice is linked fully
             Girrbach has set itself and, after five years of                       digitally to the laboratory via AG.Live. This per-
             development work, has launched AG.Live, the                            mits same-day dentistry for simple restorations,
             largest digitization offensive in the company's                        also with zirconia by using the Ceramill DRS
             history. This web-based portal for collabora-                          High-Speed Zirconia Kit.
             tion  between  laboratories  and  dentists  offers                       This is supplemented by the Ceramill DRS
             perfect digital services at all levels. To give an                     Production Kit, which allows fabrication to be
             example, AG.Live as a central tool for digital                         performed in the practice by the dentist. Here,
             case  management,  a  networking,  infrastruc-  AG.Live as a digital platform paves the way for  the laboratory can assist the practice in terms of
             ture  and  material  management,  support  and  smooth interdisciplinary collaboration.  design, know-how, service and advice.
             knowledge database will gradually replace the                            This results in 3 Ceramill Team Workflows,
             previous C3 customer portal.                          which can be used depending on the kit equipment and the team con-
                On the one hand, the platform networks machines and materials  stellation. Due to the modular design, it is possible to start on a "small
             in the laboratory, thereby simplifying processes and increasing qual-  scale"  with  the  Ceramill  DRS  Connection  Kit  and  upgrade  to  the
             ity and reproducibility. The biggest advance, however, is providing  Ceramill DRS Production Kit at a later stage.
             the link in a growing global network of digitally operating dental  AG.Live and DRS as well as all digitization solutions from Amann
             professionals. This bridges the interdisciplinary gap between den-  Girrbach support practices and laboratories on the journey that Prof.
             tists and dental technicians and facilitates future-oriented coopera-  Dr.  med.  dent.  Jan-Frederik  Güth  describes  in  his  summary  of  the
             tion. In this network of optimized and new partnerships, the partic-  panel discussion as follows: "Patient-oriented, focused, personalized,
             ipants can focus on their strengths and better position themselves on  team-oriented,  simplified  and  digital  -  that's  where  the  journey  is
             the market.                                           headed."

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