Page 112 - Demo
P. 112

श्रयू ते प्रथमाभ्यासे नादो नाना-ववधो महान् ।
ततोऽभ्यासे वधममाने श्रयू ते सक्ष्ू म-सक्ष्ू मकः ॥ ४.८४॥
Hathayogapradipika 4.84: When he first begins to hear sounds during practice, there are various prominent nadas but with prolonged practice the subtlest of subtleties becomes audible.
 यत्र कु त्रावप वा नादे लगतत प्रथमं मनः ।
तत्रैव सस्ु स्थरीभयू तेन साधं ववलीयते ॥ ४.८९॥
 Hathayogapradipika 4.89: Whatever nada the mind initially adheres to, it becomes perfectly still in that and dissolves with it.
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