Page 110 - Demo
P. 110
राि-योगमिानरतः केवलं हठ-कशममणः ।
एतानभ्याशसनो मरये प्रयास-फल-वस्िमतान् ॥ ४.७९॥
Hathayogapradipika 4.79: There are practitioners of hatha yoga who do not have the knowledge of rajayoga. I consider them as mere practitioners because they derive no fruits for their efforts.
नादानसु रधान-समाचध-भािां योगीश्वराणां हृदद वधममानम ् । आनरदमेकं वचसामग्यं िानातत तं श्री-गरुु नाथ एकः ॥ ४.८१॥
Hathayogapradipika 4.81: There is plenitude of bliss in the hearts of the great yogis who remain in samadhi through nada anusandhana or meditation on nada, which is unequalled and beyond any description, known by the one and only Gurunath.
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