Page 108 - Demo
P. 108

ततृ ीयायां तु ववज्ञेयो ववहायो मदमल-ध्वतनः ।
महा-शरू यं तदा यातत सवम-शसवध-समाश्रयम् ॥ ४.७४॥ चचत्तानरदं तदा स्ित्मवा सहिानरद-स्भवः ।
 दोष-दःु ख-िरा-व्याचध-क्षुधा-तनिा-वववस्िमतः ॥ ४.७५॥
  Hathayogapradipika 4.74-75: In the third stage is the experience of the sound of the drum. Then there is the great void and one enters the place of total perfection or siddhi. Then the bliss of chitta being attained, natural or spontaneous ecstasy arises. Imbalance of the three humours or doshas, pain, old age, disease, hunger, sleep are overcome.
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