Page 106 - Demo
P. 106

 र्ब्ह्म-ग्ररथेभमवेद्भेदो ह्यानरदः शरू य-स्भवः ।
ववचचत्रः क्वणको देहेऽनाहतः श्रयू ते ध्वतनः ॥ ४.७०॥ ददव्य-देहश्च तेिस्वी ददव्य-गरधस्त्मवरोगवान् । स्पणू म-हृदयः शरू य आर्भे योगवारभवेत् ॥ ४.७१॥
 Hathayogapradipika 4.70-71: The Brahma granthi being pierced, the feeling of bliss arises from the void; wondrous, tinkling sounds and the unstruck sound (anahata) are heard within the body. When the yogi experiences arambha in the void of the heart, his body becomes lustrous and brilliant with a divine smell and disease less.
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