Page 105 - Demo
P. 105

 श्रवण-पटु -नयन-यगु ल घ्राण-मखु ानां तनरोधनं कायमम् ।
 शधु -सषु ्ु णा-सरणौ स्फु टममलः श्रयू ते नादः ॥ ४.६८॥
Hathayogapradipika 4.68: Closing the ears, nose and mouth, a clear, distinct sound is heard in the purified sushumna.
आर्भश्च घटश्चैव तथा पररचयोऽवप च ।
तनष्पवत्तः सवम-योगेषु स्यादवस्था-चतष्टु यम् ॥ ४.६९॥
  Hathayogapradipika 4.69: In all the yogic practices there are four stages; arambha, beginning; ghata, vessel; parichaya, increase; nishpatti, consummation.
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