Page 109 - Demo
P. 109
रुि-ग्रस्रथं यदा शभत्त्वा शवम-पीठ-गतोऽतनलः ।
तनष्पत्तौ वैणवः शब्दः क्वणद्-वीणा-क्वणो भवते ् ॥ ४.७६॥ एकीभतू ं तदा चचत्तं राि-योगाशभधानकम् ।
सवृ ष्ट-संहार-कतामसौ योगीश्वर-समो भवेत ् ॥ ४.७७॥
Hathayogapradipika 4.76-77: If the Rudra granthi is pierced, the fire of prana moves to the place of Ishwara. Then in the stage of nishpatti or consummation is the tinkling sound of the flute resonating like a vina. This is called raja yoga when there is one element in the mind or chitta. The yogi becomes Ishwara, being the creator and destroyer.
अस्तु वा मास्तु वा मक्तु िरत्रैवाखस्ण्डतं सखु म ् । लयोद्भवशमदं सौख्यं राि-योगादवाप्यते ॥ ४.७८॥
Hathayogapradipika 4.78: Whether there is liberation or not, nevertheless there is pleasure. The pleasure arising from laya is derived from raja yoga.
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