Page 116 - Demo
P. 116

 यस्त्मकंचचरनाद-रूपेण श्रयू ते शक्तिरेव सा ।
 यस्तत्त्वारतो तनराकारः स एव परमश्वे रः ॥ ४.१०२॥
Hathayogapradipika 4.102: Whatever is heard of the nature of the mystical nada is indeed Shakti. That in which all the elements (panchatattwa) find dissolution, that is the formless being, the supreme lord (Parameshwara).
सवे हठ-लयोपाया राियोगस्य शसधये ।
  राि-योग-समारूढः परुु षः काल-वञ्जचकः ॥ ४.१०३॥
Hathayogapradipika 4.103: All the processes of hatha and laya yoga are but the means to attain raja yoga (samadhi). One who attains raja yoga is victorious over time (death).
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