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 3.6 rājayogātsamādhi: puruṣajñānaṁ ca।
With Rājayoga, one obtains Samādhi and Self Realization.
In Haṭhayoga, the term “Rājayoga” consists of meditation on Nāda as explained in the previous Sutra. This meditation verily leads one to the perfect concentration of Mind, called Samādhi. When the Samādhi reaches its final state, Puruṣa i.e., Self is realized. In the “Pure Rājayoga” as described by Patañjali,     Puruṣa Vivekakhyāti as
. The descriptions of the Samādhi state in the Pure Rājayoga and in the H   are extremely similar. And therefore, it is obvious
that Self Realisation takes place due to the perfection in Haṭhayoga Samādhi. Please refer to the Sūtras 1.2 and 1.3 of this book to understand the pure Rājayoga logic. Also, the concept of Spiritual Liberation i.e., Kaivalya in the Pure Rājayoga is very similar to that Haṭhayoga. These facts can be verified from the Haṭhayogapradīpikā verses related to Samādhi and Kaivalya (Mukti).
   the Self (
) is realised via
described in the Sutras 2.1 and 2.2 of the present book
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