Page 119 - Demo
P. 119

 सवामवस्था-ववतनममिु ः सवम-चचरता-वववस्िमतः ।
मतृ ववत्तष्ठते योगी स मिु ो नात्र सशं यः ॥ ४.१०७॥
Hathayogapradipika 4.107: The yogi who has gone beyond all the states (of consciousness), who is freed of thought, who appears dead (impervious to stimulus) is
liberated without doubt.
 न गरधं न रसं रूपं न च स्पशं न तनःस्वनम्।
 नात्ममानं न परं ववे त्त योगी यिु ः समाचधना ॥ ४.१०९॥
Hathayogapradipika 4.109: In samadhi a yogi knows neither smell, taste, form, touch or sound (tanmatras); he does not cognize himself nor others.
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