Page 121 - Demo
P. 121

 3.7 haṭhayoge ahaṁkārodbhava: samādhāvupasargā: sidhdayaśca।
During Haṭhayoga Practice, the Ego is likely to grow, and also the Siddhis (special
abilities) that are obstacles in obtaining true Samādhi.
As the Kuṇḍalinī rises through all the cakras (energy centers) during the Haṭhayoga practice, various special abilities are developed in the practitioner. These are called Siddhis. However, they are very attractive to the people around the practitioner and tempting to the practitioner. They give name and fame, money, and may result in sexual misconduct. This is very well- demonstrated in the news. But these gains stop the further progress of a practitioner, mainly because they result in egoism and egotism, which is antagonistic to the progressions in Samādhi and reaching Kaivalya (Spiritual Liberation). Though this fact is not mentioned directly in the classical Haṭhayoga texts, there are related statements in these texts they are given below. Also, once the nādānusandhāna stage is reached, the progress in Haṭhayoga towards Kaivalya is very similar to that in Yogasūtras of Patañjali. Therefore, we shall quote a some relevant Sūtras of Patañjali.
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