Page 123 - Demo
P. 123

 उत्मसाहात्मसाहसाधैयात्तम त्त्व-ज्ञानाश्च तनश्चयात् । िन-सङ्ग-पररत्मयागात्मषड्शभयोगः प्रशसद्ध्यतत ॥ १.१६॥
 Hathayogapradipika 1.16: Enthusiasm, perseverance, discrimination, unshakeable faith, courage, avoiding the company of common people, are the (six causes) which bring success in yoga.
 वपःु कृ शत्मवं वदने प्रसरनता नाद-स्फु टत्मवं नयने सतु नममले ।
 अरोगता बबरद-ु ियोऽस्ग्न-दीपनं नाडी-ववशवु धहमठ-शसवध-लक्षणम् ॥ १.७८॥
Hathayogapradipika 1.78: Perfection of hatha yoga is achieved when there is leanness of the body, tranquil countenance, manifestation of the inner sound, clear eyes, disease- lessness, control of bindu (semen/ova), active digestive fire and purification of nadis. (Some of these signs make others attracted to a Yogi).
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