Page 71 - Demo
P. 71
अवनत्याशवचदोःखानात्मस वनत्यशवचसखात्मख्यावतरविद्या॥२.५॥
Avidyā is taking an impermanent thing as permanent, an unclean thing as clean, a painful thing as pleasurable, and an entity that is not the Self as the Self (considering the body- mind complex as purūṣa).
द्रष्टृदृश्यय ोः संय ग हेयहेतोः॥२.१७॥
Patanjali Yoga Sutra 2.17: Draṣṭṛdṛśyayoḥ saṁyogo heyahetuḥ|
The alliance between the Draṣṭṛ (purūṣa) and the dṛśya (knowable world) is the cause of pain
तस्य हेतरविद्या॥२.२४॥
Patanjali Yoga Sutra 2.24: Tasya heturavidyā|
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Patanjali Yoga Sutra 2.5: Anityāśuciduḥkhānātmasu nityaśucisukhātmakhyātiravidyā|