Page 90 - Demo
P. 90

(Third Section) tr̥ tīyaṁ prakaraṇaṁ - haṭhayoge īśvarapraṇidhānam।
 Please read the book, “nīlakaṇṭhaviracitāni haṭhayogasūtrāṇi” by Dr. Neel Kulkarn. Read it completely if possible. This section cites numerous authentic quotations on Nādānusandhāna. Many more can easily be stated and are skipped for want of space. The Yoga Practitioner should note the importance of Nādānusandhāna which can be considered Chanting for Yoga in the Adhiyoga System of Dr. Neel Kulkarni.
3.1 haṭhayogātkuṇḍalinyutthānam।
With Haṭhayoga, Kuṇḍalinī is activated and raised.
The main practice of Haṭhayoga is forcing the Prāṇa through the Suṣumnā Nadi. Haṭha is force. And Yoga is the practice of method to force the Prāṇa through Suṣumnā. The Prāṇa which has entered the Suṣumnā is called Kuṇḍalinī.
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