P. 15
Mar - April, 2021 Page 15
What is the best idea to start an online business?
Virtually anything is a good branch into a new one? · Sell WordPress or
business idea if it's executed Top Online Business Ideas Shopify plugins
properly. I think anything can Here are some amazing online · Try your hand at
be grown or built if done right business ideas that will help you becoming a social media
and you maintain persistence. build a business around your influencer (good luck,
So, let's distill down what values. Not someone else's. lol!)
doesn't make an online business · Start an impactful blog · Start a Software as a
a good one? · Become a video content Service Business.
1. High startup
producer for vlogging, The list goes on and on. You
costs streaming and podcasting
2. Limited · Sell digital products should focus on an online business
that combines what you know,
opportunity for
· Create a niche forum or what you love and what actually
growth makes the most money.
3. The idea directory
· Start an e-commerce Kyle Baker
doesn't solve a
problem or website Continued from pg 12
provide value · Sell premium or How can kids
learn entrepre-
-neurship skills?
vacation!” He said excited after
identifying a special hose to connect
to his new pots.
“I will buy organic soil so my
cucumbers and my tomatoes will be
organic. I can sell them at a higher
price to my neighbors and my
friends.” I smiled proudly as I could
see how he was getting his business
mind together.
We purchased everything. He
negotiated a GH¢50 loan from me.
membership oriented
Think starting an online content We agreed that he will pay me
business is easy? It's not. It's · Start a social media agency interest.
extremely hard. But it's totally · Start an SEO or digital Business is an art, not a science. My
worth it in the end. There's a marketing consulting b o y i s d e v e l o p i n g h i s
common misconception that an business entrepreneurial skills. He is learning
online business is easy because · Build a “micro-media everything that schools don't teach
they cost basically nothing to business” where you own a him like how to invest, how to sell,
start. Well, no cost means a ton number of different media how to keep track of money. He will
of competition. Online channels like blogs, learn the pains of paying interest of a
businesses are pretty loan, and after this winter, he's
YouTube, podcasts, etc.
straightforward if you think · Start a digital publishing learning the pains of losing money
about it. Solve a problem and and having to start over again! Most
business. You can either
promote it. Rinse and repeat. start all your sites from importantly, I'm teaching and
Want some motivation to finally scratch and/or acquire d e v e l o p i n g h i s m i n d s e t !
start that online business? Or Entrepreneurship is an art, an
websites over time
understanding of how to make
Contact us 055 6533307 / 020 8131656