P. 2
Page 2 Mar - April, 2021
Continued from pg 1
spaces unique and to your spaces. to design your wall for a
beautiful. Shecco permanent finish. This
Tiles have a wide What we promise you avoids the builder from
variety of choices for We are not just interested having to plaster. There
in making a sale but are
floors and walls that committed to leaving you are also different colours
to match to get that
you can choose from w i t h a b e t t e r c r e a t i v e f i n i s h o r
in achieving different u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f beautiful blend.
themes and style construction and ceramic · Brick pavers
inspirations for your products through our Our floor pavers are
establishment's e x p e r i e n c e i n t h e used for driveways,
interior and exterior. poolsides, gardens,
patios and many others.
Create a statement W e u s e a c a r e f u l Brick pavers give a finish
look and set the combination of both that cannot be matched
ambiance in your m a c h i n e r y a n d in style, beauty and
spaces with these top handmade processes to durability.
ensure a finish of both
tile trends for 2021 quality and natural · Bricks
from Shecco Tiles, a beauty. With a variety of Save Cost with A
Permanent Finish. No
trusted and favorite products to choose from, need to worry about
brand that offers all- colours, shapes and painting, weathering
around home sizes, you can always find and deterioration. Our
improvement and something that works for brick products are
building needs. designed to last and rid
you of any future hustle.
Our Products:
The ambiance is · Terracota Cladding
supreme. And, when Our Other Services
you want to create an tiles · Grouting
accent wall or floor We have cladding tiles of We also provide tile grout
space, the ambiance is various shapes and sizes which is the filling that
supreme, so Shecco goes in between the tiles
tiles might be just the to create a contrast for
right thing for you. It is even more beauty. It also
an ideal addition to acts a bonding agent to
your space to achieve ensure a water tight
d e c o r a t i v e a n d finish protecting the tile
fantastic patterns and for its long life. We have
a unique appearance several colors to bring
Continue on page 3