P. 9

Mar - April, 2021                                                                         Page 9
                                                    What do people not tell
         12 Things ...
                                               you about quitting your job
       Continued from pg 8
       long walk.
                                               to start your own company?
       As  Katie  Reed  beautifully
       states:  “Self-care  is  giving               good  friend  of  mine      own company?
       the  world  the  best  of  you              decided to quit his very
       instead  of  what's  left  of                                             Don't  quit  on  your  dream.
                                          Agood  job  a  couple  of              Do  get  some  help!  Let  me
       you.” So make sure to take
                                          years ago to start his consulting      explain.  Corporate  skills  are
       some time to do the things         business.  Positioned  and
       that  help  you  wind  down,       recognized as a business leader        very  different  from  the
       relax,  and  take  care  of                                               entrepreneurial  mindset.
                                          in his industry, he felt it was the
       yourself.  No  matter  how                                                Examples:
                                          perfect time. “It's now or never,”
       busy  the  month  ahead
       might seem like, the reality       he  said.  He  talked  to  his  wife.   Robert  was  focused  on
       is that there's always time to     Everyone  in  the  family  got         creating  profits  —  I  was
       breathe, but it's up to you to     involved supporting the dream.         focused  on  creating  value.
       prioritize it.                                                            Ro b e r t   w a s   s t u c k   i n
       Sinem Günel                        Month one… nothing happened.
                                                                                 producing — I was focused on
                                          Month two… nothing happened.
                                                                                 building. Robert was stuck in
                                          Month  three…  nothing,  four,         the  Industrial  Age  —  I  was
         Please Call us:                  nothing.  Five,  six,  seven…  ten     focused on challenging him to

                                          months passed by and nothing           anticipate changes which are
         055 6533307                      happened. Not a single client.         coming from the Digital Age.

                                          When  Robert  first  called  me        Robert wanted to improve —
         020 8131656                      asking  for  help,  he  was  very      I wanted to innovate.

                                          stressed.  Immediately  I  could
                                          visualize his mistakes. We signed      Rob  was  obsessed  with  his
                                          an  agreement  and  I  started
         Dear Entrepreneur,                                                      personal  image,  nice  suits,
                                          coaching him. It was difficult. To     beautiful  logos,  expensive
         We can profile your              my  surprise,  Robert  was             brochures  —  I  was  obsessed
         company & let your               extremely  stubborn  and               w i t h   h a v i n g   h a p p y

         potential customers              struggled with corporate pride.        customers. Robert wanted to

         know:                                                                   c o n t r o l   —   I   w a n t e d
                                          “Hey,  Rob,  relax  my  friend.  I'm   teamwork. Robert wanted a
                                          not threatening your position or       new self-employment  career
         Who you are...                   your authority here. I'm here to
                                                                                 —  I  was  pushing  him  to
         What you sell...                 help  you.”  I  could  feel  the       change his business model.

         What services you provide        backstabbing  scars  of  the
         Well .... tell the people of     corporate world still coming to        R o b e r t   m a n a g e d   t o
         Ghana anything you want          light  ten  months  after  his  last   restructure his strategy to find

         them to know about your          day on the job.                        success. Today he enjoys the
         business.                                                               freedom  and  lifestyle  he
                                          So, to answer your question, what
                                                                                 fought for all those years.
                                          don't  people  tell  you  about
                  CALL THE NOTICEBOARD
                  0556533307 / 0208131656  quitting  your  job  to  start  your
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