Page 72 - Introduction to investing in Gold
P. 72

  To many investors, gold is like eating the metaphorical elephant.
An Asian Elephant weighs 5000 pounds, whereas the average American eats about 2000 pounds of food a year. Now, I’m not suggesting you go and eat an elephant – it’s a metaphor, so bear with me.
If I pointed at an elephant and said you could eat it in two years, you’d probably think I was bonkers.
But if you broke that down into two years’ worth of food (in weight), it wouldn’t be too far off.
My point is we find some problems in life rather daunting. Instead of eating the elephant, we’re perfectly happy to sub-contract our “elephants” to someone else.
This makes perfect sense. It’s on a need-to-know basis, and we don’t need to know. If you’re sick, you see a doctor, and if your teeth hurt... you know what I mean.
We’re happy to pass our elephant over to someone else to deal with because they’re the experts.
However, investing is an elephant you should know something about (which is why you might be reading this book!).
If you’ve got the skills to make enough money to get someone to manage it, then you’ve got a brain big enough to understand what they’re up to. I’m not talking about the boring stuff like tax planning, but most investing is just common sense.
Many people give their blood, sweat and tears to make money, only to pass

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