Page 74 - Introduction to investing in Gold
P. 74

 The Beginner's Guide to Investing in Gold
What does my financial adviser know about gold?
Have they advised clients in the past?
Can they clearly explain why they’re suggesting a particular strategy?
There’s no right or wrong answer to any of these questions. But a good financial adviser will want to know what you want to achieve and advise you accordingly. And you should know enough to challenge them and keep them on their toes.
Personally, I like real assets. Tangible things like gold that you can touch. Real estate and agriculture are other areas that spring to mind. That’s not to say bonds and equities are bad – far from it. But you should have at least a basic understanding of what’s happening to YOUR money.
It’s not an elephant, so don’t treat it like one.
If you’re just starting out, get some help from someone who knows what they’re talking about.

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