Page 88 - Introduction to investing in Gold
P. 88

The Beginner's Guide to Investing in Gold
 Key Chapter Takeaways
You only make money when you sell!
Set out your strategy at the beginning and stick with it.
Use the B.R.I.D.G.E system to help select what companies might be right for you.
Markets can be volatile – if share prices move a lot, it makes sense to understand why. For example, is it something pertinent to the company you invested in, or is it more to do with the market?
1.Regularly look at your investments.
2.Decide whether the reasons for making the investment still hold
true. If they don’t, you need to get advice about whether or not it
makes sense to sell.
3.Make sure your investments suit your current circumstances,
which may change.
4.Make sure your investments are in the appropriate category. For
example, you might start investing in a company with a long-term view, but if it does well over a shorter period, you may change your mind and view it as a more medium or even a short-term investment.
5.Be aware of what could impact the value of your investments and monitor this.

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