Page 89 - Introduction to investing in Gold
P. 89

  It’s important to state that this is what I did to get started on my investment journey. Your situation may be very different. This is not advice, and you must speak to a professional financial adviser before buying or selling any shares. Although gold is an unregulated product, I would still suggest you get some appropriate advice before doing anything.
Now, there are four things that I did to get the ball rolling.
Set up an Account with Interactive Investor
Firstly, I set up an account with Interactive Investor. I chose them because I can trade over the internet. This is helpful because a lot of my trades happen outside conventional broker hours in the UK; because I focus on Australian and Canadian shares, there’s a time difference. Sometimes, I may want to place or pull an order when the UK market is closed. For example, a company may make an announcement when my brokerage is closed, but if I can place or pull an order myself (over the internet), this is not an issue. I’m in control.
They also allow me to buy the shares I want. Several brokers don’t let you purchase certain shares. It’s really frustrating if you’ve spent a lot of time analysing a company and want to invest, but your broker won’t let you! Some brokers simply don’t cover certain markets.
I should point out that I focus on Australian and Canadian shares for several reasons, but here are the top three:
1.They have a broad range of gold mining companies to choose from (many of which operate in countries that I’m more comfortable with, such as Australia, Canada, and the US).
2.Because my house is denominated in pounds sterling, I like the currency diversification they provide.
3.The correspondence with them tends to be in English (my languages
aren’t great!).

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