Page 91 - Introduction to investing in Gold
P. 91

 The Beginner's Guide to Investing in Gold
Midfielders are new to production and often focus on one commodity. After a while (several years), I would hope that they’d become defenders, but until they’ve proven that they have fully transitioned from an explorer to a producer, I tend to keep them in this category.
Then it gets really interesting. The forwards can deliver some life- changing returns (such as Chalice, which went up 65X), but they’re very high-risk. So, although it may make sense to have some in your portfolio, you need to be careful.
Make sure you’ve got a good spread.
What I like about this strategy is the diversity it gives me. Not only am I investing in many different commodities, but they’re at various stages in their life cycle (some are explorers, whilst others are producing). Similarly, they’re in different countries, so I’ve also got exposure to several currencies.
Even though I do like gold, I don’t want all my eggs in one basket, so I invest in a wide range of commodities. In my portfolio, I’ve also got exposure to silver, uranium, copper, cobalt, platinum, palladium, and many other commodities.
Remember, you can’t print commodities.

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