Page 2 - HSMP student project
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Publisher’s note
Welcome to the Wellness 101 newsletter. This has been a collaboration between HSMP’s Health Careers students, their amazing teacher, Ms Racquel Effinger and Classroom, Inc./Read to Lead.
A little students worked on Read to Lead’s Vital Signs learning game (starting in February while they were in school and then from home) they were given a project which asked them to read through a variety of articles, speeches, etc. Each text focused on a particular health and wellness topic. Students chose a topic that appealed to them, developed their own questions about the topic, did research to find answers and then wrote an article from the perspective of being the boss in Vital Signs as the Director of the Be Well Family Health Clinic..
The newsletter that follows contains a small sample of those articles which were chosen and edited by a group of talented student editors.
Phil Firsenbaum, Instructional Coach, Read to Lead
Teacher’s note
At the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis, my students and I had to transition to remote learning and adapt to an entirely new way to learn, in many cases dealing with the physical and mental stress of the pandemic. I had the pleasure of collaborating with Phil Firsenbaum of Classroom, Inc/Read to Lead and through his guidance and support, my students were able to delve deeply into various topics of health and wellness. Through all of these challenges, students were able to persevere, increase their knowledge, and produce exemplary work that I am proud to share with the greater community. Although the new school year will present new challenges such as reduced class sizes, social distancing, and possibly transitioning to a blended learning environment, I am confident my students will overcome these challenges and accomplish their academic goals.
Racquel Effinger, Teacher, HS for Professions
Wellness 101 - Spring 2020