Page 3 - HSMP student project
P. 3
Student notes
Marcy: When this project was first assigned, I thought, “Oh, this is just going to be another requirement.” But I soon realized that I was mistaken. As I scrolled through all of the topics that I would have the option of writing about, one topic immediately caught my attention. The subject was fear. Growing up, I was afraid of a lot of things, and even now, I know people, including myself, who struggle with fears and anxiety. The idea of studying fear and being given the opportunity to find out how fear works in our bodies was enticing. As I did my research, I was surprised by some of the information I found. A whole new world of knowledge had been opened up to me.
Alissah: Wellness 101 is a newsletter created to educate the readers about their health and how to maintain it. In my opinion this newsletter will have a positive impact because of the important information it contains. It will provide new knowledge about wellness topics, and also contain helpful tips. It can stipulate important information about disease trends and risk factors, outcomes of treatment or public health interventions and health care costs and use. Better health is central to human happiness and well-being. I hope this newsletter will be instructive and beneficial to you!
Enakeno: My name is Enakeno and as one of the assistant editors of Wellness 101 I would like to speak a bit about how it felt composing the articles for this magazine. When I was first assigned this project I first thought it was going to be
just like any other project that I had gotten before but as I looked at the different topics that I could choose to write about I realized that there was more to this assignment than I initially thought. Because after I chose my topic (which was fear) I started to become more invested in this project. I ended up choosing this topic because growing up I was always afraid of certain things and even now they continue to affect my life. So I was enticed to learn more about why exactly I felt fear and anxiety towards these things. After I did my project, I was chosen to be one of the editors of this magazine. Pretty much the making of this magazine was a bit tedious, it was a lot of long nights but I will say that my fellow team of editors was very efficient and effective and they helped to make my job a lot easier. So what our magazine focuses on is pretty much nutrition, weather, respiration, physical activity, water, and how it affects your body, and how diseases affect your body. We not only focus on the physical aspect of it but we focus on the psychological aspect as well. You will see through the course of perusing our magazine that we have articles geared at the mental and emotional side of being human. So we believe that our magazine encompasses what it is to be human, how it feels to be human, while still citing scholarly articles and medical terminologies for the avid scientific reader.
Wellness 101 - Spring 2020