Page 23 - HSMP student project
P. 23

 could affect everyone and should be kept in mind. Dentists recommend using toothpaste with Stannous Fluoride instead of Triclosan because of its similar gingivitis preventing abilities but is much more safe than Triclosan.​“I would tell my patients if they are concerned about Triclosan that stannous fluoride is also very effective for reducing plaque and gingivitis,” said Dr. Niederman from the ​Los Angeles Times​.
have gingivitis preventing qualities but that’s it as good qualities go. Triclosan is also believed to kill good and bad bacteria in your mouth. This makes it always a hazard to your gums and your teeth. Furthermore, Triclosan can cause cancer to develop if used frequently. In my opinion, Triclosan shouldn’t be used in toothpaste and is unsafe.
I​n short, Triclosan has many negative and positive
effects. Triclosan may prevent gingivitis but does more harm than good. Besides being able to prevent gingivitis efficiently, Triclosan may eliminate all the good and bad bacteria in your mouth. Regular use of this ingredient could also lead to extended exposure to Triclosan. This could potentially cause cancer. In conclusion, Triclosan is very unsafe and shouldn’t be used in toothpaste.
ow, the proven negative effects may be the reason
why Triclosan was banned. Triclosan is proven to settle and accumulate in household dust, extending Triclosan’s exposure. Chemical scientists tested groups of mice that were found to have gut problems after regular exposure to Triclosan. Since mice’s guts are the closest to humans, this is a health concern worth knowing. Triclosan could also alter animal hormone regulations. This could alter the behavior and development of the brain. Triclosan isn’t proven that it could cause skin cancer but many scientists are also working on that as well. Although Triclosan has many health benefits, the negative impacts could even lead to more serious problems.
​N​ow since you know the pros and cons of Triclosan,
here’s my opinion. I think that Triclosan is a little too harmful to your body and the negatives greatly overtake the positives. I think this because mice immune systems are the closest to human immune systems: so if exposure to Triclosan can affect them, it can may affect us, humans, as well. Triclosan may
Wellness 101 - Spring 2020

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