Page 27 - HSMP student project
P. 27

 A​nother thing brought to the attention of the people by
scientists is the fact people that are under 40 are most likely to hear the ultrasound waves that are given off by the machines. Which is also why it is believed that once you reach a certain age tinnitus seems to go away. The article states “I am 37 and my husband is 41. He couldn’t hear a dang thing and I was practically on the floor begging him to shut it off, hands clamped over my ears. My kids had a similar reaction to mine and our dog came trotting in growling from several rooms away.” This is a real-life example of people who could and couldn't hear the sounds. I even tried it on my family and just like they said everyone over 40 in my family couldn't hear the sound. The article also provided another example “Kodie Helmer shared a link to a 15000 Hz 15kHz sine wave frequency tone, which she says she was unable to hear, but her husband, who is a little younger than her, heard it loud and clear.” This clearly proves that sound has an effect on what you are able to hear.
​T​innitus is something almost everyone who has a
normal level of hearing will experience and seems to go away when you reach old age. There is no cure or treatment, it is just something you have to live with. There are many things that are expected to be the cause of
hearing the high pitch sound. For example, some believe it is due to the medicine some might be taking or their mood. Other things are commonly believed as the cause are machines that are vibrating creating high pitch noises that can be heard from far away. Also, not everyone hears the same sound while others hear noises some might hear birds or whispering. The sound can also cause health problems and can even go as far as giving you permanent health problems if it gets serious. It is also believed to be the cause of some hearing loss, therefore it is something you must deal with and think about. Otherwise, you can ruin your health by worrying too much.
Wellness 101 - Spring 2020

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